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Juvenile Crimes

Juvenile Crimes

You’re a parent. You have a child. You just received a call that your child has been arrested and
is in judicial custody or detained by a law enforcement official. You’ve got questions. What should you do? What are your rights as a parent? What are your child’s rights?

First, get an attorney that understands what you’re going through. Here, at the Presti Law Firm, PLLC we understand your fear and apprehension. You’re worried that your child’s future is in jeopardy, and rightly so. A juvenile charge can have far-reaching consequences. A minor discrepancy may affect your child’s abilities to get a job or a get into college. We want to help make sure you and your child understand the consequences of what might happen.

Minor Status

Don’t agree to allow your child to be charged as an adult. Hire an attorney who knows how to navigate the criminal legal field to make sure that your child’s status as a minor remains and is not elevated to an adult charge.

How do you prevent your child from being charged as an adult? Preventative legal work. It’s important from the onset to hire an attorney to work with you and your family to make sure that your child isn’t charged as an adult.

Effective Juvenile Defense

If your child’s been charged in Dallas, Collin, Denton, Rockwall or any of the surrounding counties then you’ll want to make sure your child has the best defense possible. The Presti Law Firm provides you and your family with strong and reliable service.

Common Juvenile Crimes

  • Juvenile drug & alcohol crimes
  • Property Crimes
  • Vandalism
  • Shoplifting
  • Probation revocation
  • Computer Crimes
  • Assault Charges
No matter what type of charge has brought against your child you need an experienced juvenile criminal defense attorney. Contact The Presti Law Firm, PLLC for a FREE consultation on at 214-342-8900