Dallas Assault Charges Attorney
Dallas Assault Charges Attorney
Assault charges are brought against plenty of people who were acting in self-defense or who just had a simple misunderstanding and things got a little out of control. It happens. Unfortunately, even though you were acting in self-defense or maybe just innocently touched someone else your entire reputation can be destroyed. An assault conviction can spill over into other areas of your life that you’re not even thinking about right now such as child custody or immigration. Maybe you’re on probation. What are you supposed to do? Call the Presti Law Firm.
No matter how small the criminal charge brought against you may be it’s not worth the risk of being deported or having your immigration status effected. The attorneys at the Presti Law Firm are well versed in both criminal and immigration law, so they’re able to help you with both types of cases.

What forms of Assault are there?
An assault can be anything from a domestic violence charge to a harassment of a public servant charge. Didn’t know that harassment of a public servant was an assault charge? It sure is. What about aiding another person in a suicide? That’s also considered an assault charge. There are states that allow its citizens to engage in assisted euthanasia, but Texas isn’t one of them, and you can be charged, prosecuted, and convicted of a crime for aiding a person in a suicide. You may think of it as helping a terminally-ill cancer patient who is experiencing a lot of pain, but the state of Texas doesn’t.
No matter what type of charge has been levied against you, it is always recommended that you hire an attorney as soon as possible. Don’t wait. For a FREE consultation on at 214-342-8900