Computer Crimes
Computer Crimes
Computer crimes are hard to detect, hard to prove, and very complicated. They require an eye for detail and a thorough knowledge of the computing world.
What are Computer Crimes?
- Identity Theft
- Wire Fraud
- Ransomware
- Hacking

Identity Theft
We have all heard the ad for LifeLock. An entire business has sprung up around the crime of identity theft. Generally speaking, identity theft is where someone tries to present him or herself as another human being. This can include using someone else’s social security number or driver’s license. In fact, the most common form of identity theft isn’t some high-tech crime it is usually someone presenting a fake ID to a peace officer for a traffic violation. Yes, using someone else’s ID is identity theft. There is also the high-tech identity theft where someone can potentially gain financial information about another and use it to their advantage. Whatever identity theft you’re being alleged to have done you need an attorney.

Wire Fraud
This can be a very complicated crime and is usually federal in nature. The general gist of wire fraud is that the government is accusing you of concocting a scheme where you are either lying about the money you are receiving or distributing and using a form of electronic communication or interstate communications facility to facilitate the transfer of money. A lot of times, wire fraud is a secondary charge brought on by the prosecution to pressure the defendant into accepting a plea deal. The Varsity Blues case is a great example of how this charge can be brought against someone who has no intention of committing wire fraud, but has it brought against them to pressure the defendant into making a plea deal.

We have all heard the ad for LifeLock. An entire business has sprung up around the crime of identity theft. Generally speaking, identity theft is where someone tries to present him or herself as another human being. This can include using someone else’s social security number or driver’s license. In fact, the most common form of identity theft isn’t some high-tech crime it is usually someone presenting a fake ID to a peace officer for a traffic violation. Yes, using someone else’s ID is identity theft. There is also the high-tech identity theft where someone can potentially gain financial information about another and use it to their advantage. Whatever identity theft you’re being alleged to have done you need an attorney.

If you have been accused of hacking than you need to hire an attorney who will work with you.
No matter what type of charge has been levied against you, it is always recommended that you hire an attorney as soon as possible. Don’t wait. For a FREE consultation call us at 214-342-8900